Unlock the Secret to Healthier Hair and Eyelashes

Nature’s Best Kept Secret for Hair Vitality

At Deveraux Specialties, we’re excited to introduce a groundbreaking product from our trusted partner, Akott Evolution‘s Akosky™ Azuki. This innovative ingredient harnesses the potent bioactive properties of sprouted seeds, offering remarkable benefits for both hair and eyelash care. Here’s why Akosky™ Azuki is set to revolutionize beauty routines.

What is Akosky™ Azuki?

akosky azuki extraction

Akosky™ Azuki is derived from meticulously selected organic Trifolium pratense (red clover) and Vigna radiata (mung bean) sprouts. These sprouts are rich in phytonutrients formed during the early stages of sprouting, a phase when the concentration of beneficial compounds such as polyphenols, isoflavones, flavonoids, and tannins peaks. The gentle extraction process preserves these active ingredients, making Akosky™ Azuki a powerhouse for promoting hair and eyelash growth.

Clinically Proven Efficacy in Hair Regrowth

Akosky™ Azuki has undergone extensive testing, demonstrating its ability to significantly improve hair growth. In a controlled study involving 26 male volunteers with alopecia, participants were divided into two groups. One group used a 1% Akosky™ Azuki formulation while the other applied a placebo. Over four months, the active group experienced substantial improvements:

► Improves the Anagen / Telogen Ratio
akosky azuki anagen telogen ratio

After 4 months of Akosky® Azuki at 1% of use increases hair in anagen phase and reduces hair in telogen phase.

► Strengthens and Increases Hair Density

After 4 months of Akosky® Azuki at 1% of use increases hair in anagen phase and reduces hair in telogen phase.

akosky azuki hair density graph
akosky azuki hair density picture

Breakthroughs in Eyelash Enhancement

Parallel to its hair growth capabilities, Akosky™ Azuki has also shown promising results in eyelash enhancement. In a two-month study with 15 female volunteers, the application of a 1% Akosky™ Azuki solution yielded notable improvements in both the appearance and density of eyelashes:

► Increases Average Eyelash Length

Volunteers saw up to a 7% increase in average eyelash length.

akosky azuki maximum eyelash length
akosky azuki average eyelash length
► Significantly Increases Eyelash Density
akosky azuki eyelash density

Volunteers saw a significant increase in the density of eyelashes, measuring a 9% improvement compared to placebo.

Sustainability and Safety

In line with Deveraux Specialties’ commitment to sustainability, Akosky™ Azuki is produced under controlled laboratory conditions, ensuring minimal environmental impact. Moreover, the extract has been rigorously tested for skin tolerance and boasts an excellent safety profile, making it suitable for all skin types.

Transform Your Hair and Eyelash Care Routine

Whether incorporated into serums, gels, or other treatment products, Akosky™ Azuki offers a high-performance solution that supports stronger, denser, and healthier hair and eyelashes. It’s time to experience the benefits of this exceptional ingredient and see the difference it can make in your personal care routine.

Ready to Learn More?

Curious about how Akosky™ Azuki can be integrated into your product line? Download our detailed brochure for more insights, or contact us to request more information and explore the possibilities with Deveraux Specialties. We’re here to help you innovate and succeed.

Akosky® Azuki Brochure
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