Defending Against Pollution-Induced Skin Damage

Unlock Advanced Skin Protection with Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™

Clinically Proven Efficacy Against Environmental Stress

In the modern world, where pollution is a constant companion, protecting our skin from environmental aggressors is essential for maintaining its health and vitality. Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™, a groundbreaking active ingredient derived from the microalgae Pavlova lutheri, offers a scientifically-backed solution to shield and rejuvenate your skin against the detrimental effects of air pollution and oxidative stress.

The Unseen Perils of Pollution

Air pollution is a complex mix of harmful substances, including particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants penetrate the skin, leading to oxidative stress, inflammation, and impaired cellular function, all of which accelerate the visible signs of aging. Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™ is specifically designed to counteract these effects by leveraging the powerful bioactive compounds found in Pavlova lutheri microalgae.

Power of Pavlova lutheri Microalgae

Harnessing the power of Pavlova lutheri, Marine CellShield AP™ is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These essential fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which are crucial in reducing the impact of pollution on the skin. Clinical studies have shown that EPA and DHA can inhibit the inflammatory responses triggered by exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), thereby protecting the skin from chronic damage and reducing the risk of inflammation-related conditions.

Additionally, Pavlova lutheri microalgae are a potent source of natural carotenoids, which are powerful antioxidants. These carotenoids have been clinically proven to enhance the skin’s resistance to UV-induced damage and oxidative stress. In vitro studies demonstrated that the carotenoids in Marine CellShield AP™ are more effective at neutralizing free radicals than many synthetic antioxidants, providing superior protection for the skin.

A Unique Natural Shield for your Skin

Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™ has undergone extensive in vitro and in vivo testing to confirm its protective and restorative effects on the skin:

Protection Against Indoor and Urban Pollutants

Tests conducted on normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) revealed that exposure to urban and indoor pollutants can reduce cell viability by up to 51%. However, when treated with Marine CellShield AP™, cells showed a significant increase in viability, even at low concentrations (0.1%). At a concentration of 0.5%, the active ingredient completely inhibited the damage caused by pollutants, demonstrating its strong protective capabilities. The studies further showed that the treated cells not only survived but thrived, with viability surpassing that of untreated cells.

natura tec marine cellshield ap anti pollution effect
Protection Against Mitochondrial Stress

Tests conducted on normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) revealed that exposure to urban and indoor pollutants can reduce cell viability by up to 51%. However, when treated with Marine CellShield AP™, cells showed a significant increase in viability, even at low concentrations (0.1%). At a concentration of 0.5%, the active ingredient completely inhibited the damage caused by pollutants, demonstrating its strong protective capabilities. The studies further showed that the treated cells not only survived but thrived, with viability surpassing that of untreated cells.

natura tec marine cellshield ap environmental stress defense
Restoration of Collagen Metabolism

Pollution not only accelerates skin aging through oxidative stress but also impairs collagen production, leading to the formation of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. In studies with human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), Marine CellShield AP™ was shown to counteract these effects by increasing the synthesis of procollagen, the precursor to collagen. The active ingredient enhanced procollagen type I synthesis by up to 26% at a 0.2% concentration, helping to restore the skin’s structural integrity and firmness.

natura tec marine cellshield ap procollagen neosynthesis
In Vivo Results: Visible Skin Improvement

In addition to in vitro testing, Marine CellShield AP™ has been evaluated in vivo to assess its impact on actual skin conditions. In a clinical study involving healthy volunteers with visible facial pigmentation and erythema, participants applied a cream containing 1.5% Marine CellShield AP™ daily for 30 days.

natura tec marine cellshield ap skin clinical

The results were remarkable:

  • Reduction in Pigmentation Spots: The intensity and surface area of pigmented spots were reduced by 38%, leading to a more even skin tone.
  • Improvement in Skin Homogeneity: Skin texture and tone became more uniform, with a 10% increase in overall skin homogeneity.
  • Lightening and Brightening: Participants reported a noticeable brightening effect, with a global lightening activity that enhanced the skin’s natural glow.
  • Reduction in Facial Redness: Facial erythema, a common consequence of environmental stress, was significantly reduced, contributing to a calmer, more resilient complexion.

Sustainable Innovation for Superior Skin Care

natura tec sustainable microalgae production

Marine CellShield AP™ is not only effective but also environmentally responsible. The microalgae used in its production are cultivated using a patented, sustainable technology that minimizes carbon emissions and promotes a positive environmental impact. This closed-loop system captures carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, contributing to a healthier planet while ensuring the highest quality and purity of the active ingredient.

A Holistic Approach to Skin Health

Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™ represents the pinnacle of skin protection technology. Its clinically proven ability to shield the skin from pollution, restore mitochondrial function, and support collagen synthesis makes it an essential ingredient in any advanced skincare formulation.

Elevate your skincare regimen with Marine CellShield AP™—where science, nature, and sustainability converge to defend and enhance your skin’s natural beauty.

Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP™ PDS
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