Cortisol, Skin Aging, and the Brain-Skin Axis

Akosky™ Mindlight: A Natural Stress Reliever for Skin Balance

As modern life becomes more stressful, our skin reflects these internal pressures, accelerating the aging process and disrupting its natural balance. Akott Evolution’s Akosky™ Mindlight, powered by alfalfa sprouts, is a revolutionary active ingredient designed to tackle stress-induced skin aging by restoring hormonal balance and maintaining skin’s mechanical properties.

The Brain-Skin Connection: Stress, Inflammation, and Aging

There is a clear connection between our brain and skin, often referred to as the Brain-Skin Connection. Stress impacts the skin not only through external factors but also through internal biochemical pathways. The body’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which regulates our stress response, triggers the release of cortisol when under pressure. This hormone, while essential for managing acute stress, can wreak havoc on skin health when chronically elevated.

The overproduction of cortisol is directly linked to inflammation, collagen breakdown, and loss of skin elasticity, all of which accelerate the aging process. These effects include:

  • Collagen atrophy: Reduced collagen synthesis leads to less firm and less plump skin.
  • Loss of elastin: Diminished elasticity contributes to sagging and wrinkles.
  • Skin barrier disruption: Increased stress leads to impaired moisture retention and inflammation, resulting in redness and irritation​

Reversing Cortisol’s Effect on the Skin

akosky mindlight production process

Alfalfa sprouts are known for their high concentration of triterpenoid saponins and phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties. Akosky™ Mindlight, extracted from Medicago sativa (alfalfa sprouts), works synergistically to protect the skin from cortisol-induced damage.

It acts by reducing cortisol biosynthesis, inhibiting 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD1), the enzyme responsible for activating cortisol in skin cells. This natural active promotes fibroblast flexibility and reduces stiffness, enhancing the skin’s mechanical properties.

akosky mindlight mechanism of action

A Deep Dive into Cortisol and Fibroblast Health

Akosky™ Mindlight has been extensively tested in vitro to examine its effects on skin cells, particularly focusing on how it counters stress-induced damage. The studies reveal its ability to reduce cortisol levels and fibroblast stiffness, which are key contributors to skin aging.

Reduction of Cortisol Levels in Human Keratinocytes

Cortisol plays a central role in stress-induced skin aging. In this study, normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) were exposed to cortisone (10⁻³ M) for 72 hours. Cortisone is converted into cortisol within skin cells by the enzyme 11β-HSD1, amplifying local stress signals.

akosky mindlight inhibition of cortisol biosynthesis

Akosky™ Mindlight significantly reduced cortisol levels in these keratinocytes by 44.14% compared to control cells treated with cortisone. This reduction was comparable to that observed using a 11β-HSD1 enzyme inhibitor, demonstrating that Akosky™ Mindlight is effective in blocking cortisol biosynthesis and thus limiting the harmful impact of chronic stress on skin.

Reduction of Fibroblast Stiffness

Fibroblasts are critical cells that provide structural support to the skin through collagen and elastin production. With age and exposure to stress, these cells become stiffer, decreasing their ability to produce the extracellular matrix (ECM), which leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.

In the fibroblast stiffness study, primary fibroblasts from a 30-year-old donor were incubated with cortisol to mimic stress conditions. Akosky™ Mindlight was applied at different concentrations (0.001% and 0.003%) over seven days, and the mechanical properties of fibroblasts were measured using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

akosky mindlight afm illustration
akosky mindlight reduction of fibroblast stiffness

The results showed:

  • Akosky™ Mindlight significantly decreased the stiffness of fibroblasts in both the nucleus and cytoplasm regions.
  • At 0.003%, Akosky™ Mindlight exhibited a strong anti-aging effect by reversing the cortisol-induced increase in cell stiffness, promoting a more youthful, flexible fibroblast profile.

These findings highlight how Akosky™ Mindlight directly impacts the cellular structures responsible for maintaining skin firmness, elasticity, and overall mechanical integrity.

Clinical Studies: Proving Efficacy in Real-World Scenarios

Akosky™ Mindlight was evaluated in a clinical study involving 30 female volunteers aged 30 to 45 who reported moderate to high levels of stress based on the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire. The participants were divided into two groups:

  • One group applied a facial product containing 2% Akosky™ Mindlight twice daily.
  • The second group used a placebo formulation over a period of 56 days.

The clinical study was designed to measure the product’s efficacy in improving various skin parameters affected by stress, including skin elasticity, wrinkle depth, epidermal thickness, and overall skin radiance.

Skin Elasticity Improvement

Skin elasticity was measured using a Cutometer® MPA 580, which evaluates the skin’s ability to return to its original shape after being stretched (R2) and the tiring effect on the skin (R9). Results showed:

  • A significant improvement in gross elasticity (R2).
  • A reduction in the tiring effect (R9), meaning the skin became more resilient and less prone to fatigue after repeated stretching​
akosky mindlight skin elasticity improvement r2
akosky mindlight skin elasticity improvement r9
Reduction in Wrinkle Depth

Using Primos 3D, a non-contact, high-resolution imaging device, the depth of expression wrinkles on the forehead, glabellar area, and nasolabial folds were measured. After 14 days of treatment, Akosky™ Mindlight demonstrated:

  • A significant reduction in wrinkle depth, with continued improvement over the 56-day study period.
  • Wrinkle depth reduction was particularly evident in the nasolabial fold area, a common site of age-related skin changes
Epidermal Thickness and Skin Barrier Strengthening

Epidermal thickness and skin barrier function were measured using LC-OCT (Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography) technology. The study showed that Akosky™ Mindlight:

  • Increased epidermal thickness, promoting healthier, more robust skin.
  • Improved Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL), reinforcing the skin’s barrier function and reducing moisture loss
akosky mindlight tewl
akosky mindlight epidermal thickness
Skin Redness and Radiance

Digital images captured with VISIACR® (cross-polarized light) allowed the study to analyze changes in skin redness and radiance. After 56 days of applying Akosky™ Mindlight:

  • 64% of volunteers saw a significant reduction in skin redness.
  • A majority of subjects also reported enhanced skin radiance, reflecting healthier, more luminous skin
akosky mindlight skin redness
akosky mindlight skin redness and radiance

Fight Stress-Induced Aging with Akosky™ Mindlight

Akosky™ Mindlight’s dual action of reducing cortisol levels and decreasing fibroblast stiffness offers a powerful solution for combatting stress-induced skin aging. Supported by both in vitro and clinical studies, this natural active ingredient helps restore skin balance, improve elasticity, and reduce wrinkles, making it an ideal choice for anti-stress and anti-aging skincare formulations.

For more information on how Akosky™ Mindlight can enhance your formulations, contact Deveraux Specialties today.

Akosky™ Mindlight Flyer
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