Beyond Sustainability: Premium Organic’s Regenerative Approach

Premium Organic’s Commitment to Regenerative Practices

At Deveraux Specialties, we are continually inspired by companies that not only meet but exceed environmental sustainability standards. Premium Organic, a pioneer in the organic cosmetic ingredients sector, exemplifies this through their revolutionary regenerative approach to harvesting Alpin Heilmoor Extract™ from the pristine Längsee-Moor in Austria.


A Regenerative Philosophy

Premium Organic is guided by a philosophy that merges ecological responsibility with product excellence. Stefan Fellner, CEO of Premium Organic, emphasizes the importance of preserving their local ecosystem for future generations. This commitment is deeply embedded in every step of their production process.

stefan fellner

“I grew up in the middle of this unique peatland – always with Lake Längsee and this extraordinary nature in mind. When I founded PREMIUM ORGANIC, it was natural and logical for me that all of the company’s activities should be aimed at protecting this beloved peatland and preserving it for future generations.”

The Essence of Alpin Heilmoor Extract™

Alpin Heilmoor Extract™ is derived from therapeutic peat, known for its rich composition and health benefits. Premium Organic’s method respects the delicate balance of the peatlands, ensuring that the extraction process is not only sustainable but actually beneficial to the ecosystem. This approach helps maintain biodiversity, enhances carbon sequestration, and preserves the ecological integrity of the peatland.

the importants of peatlands

The Science of Regeneration

Premium Organic employs a meticulous multi-step process to harvest this precious resource:

1. Planning

Before anything takes place, an ecological restoration plan is devised. This involves studying soils, flora, and any potential impacts we could have on the peatlands. Data is also collected for the future quantification of our climate impact. This step is crucial in ensuring that the extraction process is minimally invasive and that the peatland’s health is improved. By studying the soils and flora, the restoration plan can be tailored to the specific needs of the peatland, ensuring that the extraction process does not disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem.

ahe planning
2. Topsoil Preservation

The preservation of the topsoil helps to maintain the ecological integrity of the peatland. Premium Organic starts by building a non-invasive temporary road to facilitate the procedure. This road protects the peatlands during our processes and can be easily removed without causing long-term damage.

ahe topsoil 1
ahe topsoil 2

Harvesting begins with the delicate removal of the top layer, known as the mother topsoil. This layer contains the highest quantity of carbon, and thus it is carefully lifted off and set aside to preserve its ecological value. This step is crucial to minimize any disturbance and aids in the preservation of the existing flora and fauna within the topsoil layer.

3. Removal of Heilmoor

Only a specific underlying section of Heilmoor (peat) is removed for extraction. It is drained on-site ensuring that all water goes back directly to the moor. This approach minimizes disruption to the ecosystem while allowing for the sustainable harvesting of its valuable resources.

ahe removal of heilmoor

The extraction of Premium Organic’s products (ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™, PEAT POWDER+) is done using a patented method and ensures the preservation of the therapeutic properties of the raw material (Heilmoor).

5. Responsible Backfilling

After the extraction, all remaining material, including the carefully preserved topsoil, is carefully backfilled into the excavation site. This approach ensures the prompt regeneration of the ecosystem, as the topsoil supports the reestablishment of the peatland’s biodiversity. Natural spring water is then used to refill the site. This facilitates the creation of an additional biotope that fosters the ongoing restoration by increases biodiversity.

ahe responsible backfilling
6. Clean Up

After the extraction process takes place, the temporary road and all equipment are removed. This is done under close supervision to ensure soils, vegetation, and topography are disturbed as little as possible.

7. Continuous Monitoring and Accompanying Measures

After this process, the worksite is continuously monitored to ensure that ecological restoration is occurring as planned. Accompanying measures may be included to further improve the functioning of the peatlands.

Impact and Innovations

Through ongoing research and adherence to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Premium Organic not only quantifies but actively reduces its climate impact. This scientific rigor ensures that their operations contribute positively to the environment, setting a benchmark in the cosmetic ingredients industry.

Leading by Example

Premium Organic’s operations exceed the stringent environmental standards set by the European Union and the United Nations Environmental Program. By choosing Alpin Heilmoor Extract™, customers support a product that embodies the highest principles of sustainability and regenerative agriculture.

At Deveraux Specialties, we are proud to partner with and support innovators like Premium Organic. Their dedication to regenerative practices and high-quality, sustainable products align perfectly with our mission to promote environmentally responsible solutions in the cosmetic and personal care industry.

Discover More

Download their latest e-book, “Beyond Sustainable: Premium Organic’s Regenerative Approach” for a more in depth look at the regeneration practices and request your sample below:

Beyond Sustainable: Premium Organic’s Regenerative Approach
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