Beauty and the Reef: The Upcycled Biomineral Filler for Enhanced Skin Anti-Aging and Aesthetics

Fillederm Red Power: The Upcycled Solution for Advanced Anti-Aging

At Deveraux Specialties, we are excited to spotlight Fillederm Red Power, a remarkable ingredient from our partner Kalichem that exemplifies the fusion of sustainability and high-performance skincare. This innovative product is not just a testament to the advanced capabilities of modern cosmetics but also aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Fillederm Red Power represents a groundbreaking step in sustainable beauty technology. This innovative ingredient harnesses the potential of marine bio-minerals, specifically sourced from the remnants of handcrafted coral jewelry. By transforming waste into a powerhouse active, Fillederm not only contributes to reducing environmental impact but also revolutionizes skincare performance.

Sustainable Sourcing: A Commitment to Marine Conservation

The sourcing of Fillederm epitomizes the circular economy model, where waste materials are upcycled into valuable cosmetic ingredients. Extracted from the remnants of coral used in Italian artisanal jewelry, this practice significantly aids in the preservation of Mediterranean red coral by advocating against excessive coral fishing. This initiative aligns with international and national regulations, ensuring sustainable utilization of coral resources.

detail of a beautiful red coral necklace on black background

Unique Properties and Benefits

Fillederm is recognized for its pink nuance and micro-grinded to a precise particle size ideal for cosmetic applications. It stands out for its:

Soft Focus Effect & Anti-Aging

The soft focus effect of Fillederm Red Power works like a real-life Photoshop, helping to mask immediate skin imperfections and dark circles effortlessly. This effect is achieved through its high refraction index minerals, which diffuse light to soften and obscure skin flaws, providing a flawless finish to your complexion. Promotes immediately visible anti-aging effects after in vivo studies on 20 subjects expressing judgements through 4 scores.

fillederm soft focus effect and anti aging

Fillederm Red Power contributes to skin replumping, giving a youthful bounce and enhancing the skin’s firmness and smoothness through increased keratinocytes proliferation and repair. Fillederm increases skin keratinocytes viability by 21.8% compared to control, along with an increase of the cell protein synthesis by 39.3%.

fillederm replumping

Fillederm also serves as a mineral SPF booster. It effectively reflects UV rays, enhancing the sun protection factor in skincare formulations. This dual functionality not only provides added UV protection but also promotes skin health by preventing sun damage. Fillederm Red Power increases the speed of wounded keratinocytes repair by 10%. It also protects the skin through an in vitro SPF 15 protection value recorded.

fillederm skin damage repair and spf protection
Enhanced Sensory Experience

Fillederm Red Power is not just about visual benefits; it also enhances the sensory qualities of cosmetic products. Whether incorporated into powders or emulsions, it significantly improves the feel, adherence, and consistency of cosmetic products, making application smoother and more enjoyable.

A Staple in Sustainable Cosmetics

Fillederm Red Power by Kalichem not only stands out for its impressive cosmetic benefits but also for its commitment to sustainability and skin health. This product is a perfect example of how innovative cosmetic solutions can contribute positively to environmental conservation while providing consumers with high-quality, effective beauty products.

At Deveraux Specialties, we are proud to partner with Kalichem and offer Fillederm Red Power, aligning with our values of innovation, quality, and sustainability. Discover how Fillederm Red Power can transform your product offerings and appeal to the eco-conscious consumer, enhancing both beauty and the planet. For more information, check out the product flyer below and request your sample today!

Fillederm Red Power Flyer
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